I am just coming out on the other side of a bout with Covid and am feeling very grateful!
Two years ago after we had been in lockdown for a while, I wrote a blog about the things I was learning about isolating in a “bubble” and the strange new world to which we all had had to adapt. I learnt a lot then— things like how to face-time frequently and how to Zoom— even though I didn’t particularly enjoy seeing people in squares! It felt like watching Hollywood Squares. So, now I decided to discover what I am learning about my post-Covid life.

First and foremost I know now and feel confident to say that despite following all the rules, always being appropriately masked and having all the necessary vaccinations and boosters, you can still catch Covid! But I also know that although it was frightening and unpleasant, it could have been so much worse without those vaccinations. So lesson number one – get vaccinated and boosted and trust the scientists and doctors.

I’ve also learnt that it is not such a bad thing to be isolated for five days or at least until you test negative. It gives you time to think about your own mortality and what is really important in life. I missed seeing friends and family especially my grandsons but it was much more important to keep them safe by staying away.
I also learnt that staying in your PJs for 24/7, not wearing make-up and sleeping during the daytime is more pleasant than I imagined it would be —as long as I didn’t look in the mirror too often! I would have enjoyed it even more without the coughing, fever and sore throat!
And how about those rapid covid tests? They are not easy to figure out at first and I think would be very difficult for seniors with comprehension difficulties. I discovered that every time I used it, I got better at it!
Once the symptoms went away and after two negative tests, I was still lethargic and lacked energy but I was grateful to be coming out of it.
Yes, gratitude was the big lesson I learnt. I feel enormous sympathy for those who contracted this virus before we had the vaccines. Many people tragically lost their lives during that time especially the elderly. Being in that senior category myself, I realize it could well have been me then.
This winter I intend to continue to be cautious and keep up my shots plus the ‘flu shot. Good health is too important to be taken lightly! That’s something else I learnt because I’ve got a book about to be released (shameless plug here – Providence (Book One in the McBride Chronicles series), more books to write and places to go.
If you also had Covid during the past two years, what was your experience?
Please or contact me at hello@valeriegreenauthor.com
I wish you all good health in the coming year and a big farewell to Covid!