The Complete McBride Chronicles Series Released!
We are so thrilled to announce that Tomorrow, Book 4 of the McBride Chronicles Series, has now been released by Hancock House Publishers and you may purchase all of the McBride Chronicles Series by Valerie Green online now!
Book One in
The McBride Chronicles Series

PROVIDENCE, the first book in The McBride Chronicles Series, tells the sweeping story of two parallel lives – a feisty, orphaned girl in England and the son of a poor fisherman in Scotland – who both journey separately to the frontier of the New World in search of a better life. After many adventures along the way, they meet in Victoria on Vancouver Island in 1862, fall in love, marry and create a family dynasty with a backdrop of British Columbia’s incredible history over the next four generations.
Containing hardship, intrigue, deception, lies and, above all, a great love affair, PROVIDENCE is guaranteed to be enjoyed by all who relish historical fiction at its finest. Why not start the McBride story now with the first book in the series – PROVIDENCE.
The general story is a tale on two parallel tracks all the way to p. 239 of this 399-page novel when the two protagonists finally meet in Victoria BC. One POV is of a girl, Jane, abandoned for some reason (likely poverty) by her mother to a Christian orphanage. The other character is the only surviving son of a fisherman’s family, Gideon. Both want to escape: Jane from the dreary and bleak life of being in the service of the wealthy, and Gideon from the dangerous life of the coastal Scottish, always in poverty, unless one big haul happens to befall them.
It is the history of the powerless and downtrodden little people of Europe. I guess Scotland is part of Europe and always will be, despite the UK nation stepping out of the EU. (By the way, the Scots currently still resist bullying by the English and a “hard” border with the EU.) Despite the odds and their young age, Jane and Gideon manage to take control of their powerless lives. Determined to manage their own lives, they seek and create opportunities for escape and experience many setbacks and traumas along the way. Well done.
This is how people indeed emigrate, and so also Gideon and Jane. They’re forced by terrible circumstances to leave their old lives behind and start a new—hopefully better—life. Well researched, is it not just a story of romance and overcoming hardship, but whoever reads it gets a good impression of a part of Canadian history and some of its people: the Anglo-Scottish. It also touches on the plight of the Indigenous in BC and the terrible attitudes of the time that caused their near-extinction, recently correctly named genocide.
As an immigrant myself, I appreciate this kind of mature story. Valerie is a competent writer. The story unfolds logically and systematically and I am rooting for the protagonists. Will they overcome the barriers to a loving relationship and the past traumas in their own lives, the absence of commitment, and the drive to stay independent?
They do indeed get together, marry and prosper. When they think they have it all: wealth, beautiful properties, and a son, their world falls apart. They separate and have to work through their grief on their own. The last chapters of the book lead the readers back to the English Oxfordshire area where Jane was born. The solution to the puzzle is hinted at in the first chapters for the careful reader, a giveaway that the author initially used to write non-fiction and true crime stories.
Valerie studied journalism and English Literature and story writing at London’s Regent Institute and is an immigrant to Canada (1968). She now lives in BC on Vancouver Island. She is semi-retired, enjoying her two grandchildren.
Review by Johanna Van in GoodReads
Valerie Green made her name writing wonderfully engaging nonfiction stories about Victoria and environs, sharing tales told by built heritage (Dunmora: The Story of a Heritage Manor House on Vancouver Island; If These Walls Could Talk: Victoria’s Houses from the Past, I and II), and class in settler culture (Above Stairs: Social Life in Upper-Class Victoria, 1843–1918), as well as most evocative memoir (Embrace the Journey: A Care Giver’s Story).
Green has now turned her capacious storytelling skills to fiction with Providence, the first volume of The McBride Chronicles (we can anticipate two more, according to Green).
Providence kicks off its dynastic-tale-to-be with the backstories, in alternating chapters, of its main characters: the British orphan (Jane) and the son of a Scottish fisher family (Gideon). The pair traverse the worlds of life in service (Jane) and life at sea and in business (Gideon), enduring travails and enjoying adventures en route to meeting in Victoria BC, falling in love, and creating a family in the 1860s. Their trials and triumphs together continue and, as BC joins Canada’s Confederation in 1871, fallout from a tragedy threatens to undo them and all they’ve created together. Truth helps them endure, create something bigger than themselves, and add another storied layer to the McBride tale, doubtless to be unveiled as the saga continues in Volume II.
Fans of Green’s detailed non-fiction will find similar strengths in this story, offering vivid particulars of life in a particular time and place (Victorian-era Victoria) that allow readers to readily imagine and inhabit the world of Providence. While there is some resolution of events at the end of Book One, enough seeds are sown to create anticipation for the tale’s continuation… in Book Two! Green knows well how to leave readers wanting more.
— Moira Dunn, author of Craigdarroch Castle in 21 Treasures.
“I instantly liked Green’s character of Jane. I particularly enjoyed her curiosity and the fact that you can feel her liveliness. Jane had my empathy from the get-go. I also really liked the hooks at the end of each section or chapter. They are well done and always made me want to keep reading.” “
— Judi Lees, author of “Lester’s Gifts“.
“This book could well become a televised series! I feel it would easily lend itself well to that.“
— Theresa Laviolette, freelance editor.
I purchased this book from Munro’s when visiting Victoria. I am already 139 pages into it and love it. I hope you don’t wait too long to publish Destiny . . . . thank you for writing this great story.
Janet Curran, Washington, USA
I absolutely adored this book which compelled me to keep on reading. I look forward to the next book. You are definitely one talented author who seems to give us a little bit of the feelings we all have inside . . . .Going back a lot of years, I would love to have played Jane. She has come through so much. Unfortunately, at my age, I would have been cast as the evil woman who mutilated her!
Margaret Martin, Actress
I read this book over 2 days – and found it very difficult to put down! Valerie takes you on a journey to the past – and wow, does it come to life! Providence is a sweeping story of overcoming adversity, losing and finding love, and triumphing over all. Set in and around Victoria and Vancouver, BC, Providence will make you yearn for simpler times… but I understand Valerie has more of the McBride family saga in the works – 3 more books which I am really looking forward to getting lost in!
Heather K., Dawson Creek, BC
Read more reviews of Providence at GoodReads.
Visit Vanessa Winn’s review of Providence, Settlers at the Edge of Empire on The British Columbia Review.
Book Two in
The McBride Chronicles Series

DESTINY, Book Two in The McBride Chronicles series, is the story of strong-willed Sarah McBride, only daughter of Jane and Gideon McBride, pioneer settlers in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, in the 1860s. Sarah constantly rebels against being a respectable young Victorian woman during her time spent at Angela College, a prestigious girls’ school in Victoria, and later at a Finishing School in Dresden, Germany, which leads to her presentation at Court in London before Queen Victoria.
Against a backdrop of British Columbia’s rich history, Sarah’s life plays out with both joy and tragedy back in Victoria with events such as the collapse of the Point Ellice Bridge across the Gorge Arm, and later meeting and falling in love with a man, knowing the truth about their relationship could destroy the McBride family. Is she strong enough, like her mother, to overcome her heartbreak and follow her true destiny to find happiness?
Book Two of the McBride Chronicles welcomes us back into the lives of Jane and Gideon as their family is increasingly established in the society of late 1800’s Victoria BC. Through the eyes of Jane and her very determined daughter, Sarah, we experience the complexity of family dynamics, turbulence of ‘coming of age’ and the growing challenges and changes of Victoria itself. Once again, the author paints an intriguing plot on a canvas of colourful historical accuracy. Skillfully leading us from the intimate pain of family secrets to the public pain of a tragedy affecting the entire city, Destiny both satisfies and tantalizes the reader.
Terry S., Avid Reader
“In this age of devices and media distracting us at every turn, I’ve been reading fewer books than ever over the last several years. As someone who has been an avid reader my entire life, this has been incredibly disappointing and frustrating. After receiving Valerie Green’s book, Providence, I felt compelled to start the novel, which partly takes place in my home city of Victoria, BC. I love historical fiction and Providence didn’t disappoint. The characters were engaging and came to life on the pages, the storylines were entertaining, and the history of places I’ve experienced in more modern times was interesting and enlightening. I’m now reading book two, Destiny, and I thank Valerie for breaking my “dry spell” and inspiring me to read more regularly again! “
Shelley L., Victoria BC
I loved this second book of the series. It is a quick, enjoyable read that is a wonderful addition to the Mcbride Chronicles. Look out for the twist as you don’t see it coming and the tragedy of it is dramatic. On to read the next book in the series and can’t wait!
A wonderful read! Highly recommended!!
I had already read Providence which I loved, and last night I finished “Destiny” – a really wonderful treat!
The characters and story stayed with me through dreaming, and are still vivid now in my daytime thoughts. Thank you for crafting a thoroughly engaging book that has made me keen to find out how the story continues to evolve and widen within the next two volumes.
In any case, i wanted to express how much I enjoyed “Destiny”, and how eager I am to purchase the last two books in the saga.
“Sleepless in Seattle.”
Visit Vanessa Winn’s review of Destiny, Globetrotting historical novels a ‘dynastic tapestry’ on The British Columbia Review.
Book Three in
The McBride Chronicles Series

LEGACY, Book Three in The McBride Chronicles series, is the story of Sarah McBride’s two sons, Stephen and Caleb.
Stephen’s story tells of his love for Letty Caldwell and their heart-breaking experiences during WW1 and the effect this all has on the family back in Victoria. Their story also includes the spread of the Spanish Flu around the world after the war.
Sarh’s own life continues as she travels aboard the ill-fated SS Princess Sophia from Alaska to Vancouver in 1918.
Her younger son, Caleb (Cal) is passionate about flying and his life story encompasses the birth of aeronautics in British Columbia, including both barnstorming and bush flying. His WWII experiences take him to England where he earns a distinguished merit award as a bomber pilot. In England he meets Maggie Graham and fate once more plays an ironic part.
Upon the death of Providence’s matriarch in Victoria in 1945, will the future of the McBride dynasty survive and the legacy continue?
The third volume of The McBride Chronicles builds on the strong family foundation laid by Jane and Gideon and fascinatingly captures the economic and social changes overtaking Victoria and British Columbia. An unthinkable disaster close to home and the tragic effects of the two world wars change the family’s dynamics in unexpected ways. I think this is my favourite book of the series so far – could relate to my own family history. Excellent, realistic and exciting descriptions of many historic events made for such great reading. I am excited to see what ‘Tomorrow’ brings!
Terry, Canada
Book Four in
The McBride Chronicles Series

The Fourth & Final Book in the McBride Chronicles
How would you react if you received a letter telling you that you had been left a large fortune and a mansion on the other side of the world – but with one condition? You must move there, live in the mansion, and never sell it. That is the predicament for Vicki Blake in England in 1968 when she receives a letter from a lawyer in London telling her of an inheritance she has been left by a woman she has never heard of in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada.
She travels to Victoria and discovers she is indeed the missing piece in the McBride family mosaic. Although she falls in love with Providence, she also becomes obsessed with the history of the McBride family.
Despite many obstacles along her new journey, will she finally have the strength to do what is right to find her true happiness? And will the future of Providence be saved and become part of a new era of truth and reconciliation?
Only Tomorrow knows for sure.
I am not exaggerating when I say that I LOVED it! Tomorrow was the perfect ending to the series. Such a great story. I was hooked from the start of this one. I can’t decide which book was my favourite. I think I loved both Providence and Tomorrow equally.
Eva Shortt.
Publicist, Zahav PR.
I once read Howard Fast’s series about a man in San Francisco who built up a business and family line. It was something like your stories (The McBride Chronicles) and I loved his. I hadn’t found another one since that I liked as much….until yours. Being a Victoria (and Hornby Island girl), yours really touched my heart. So, I am really saying “thank you.
Laurie Mueller
Visit Vanessa Winn’s review of Tomorrow, Ancestry and Legacy – on The British Columbia Review.
Video with Val
Video Trailer for Tomorrow, The Fourth & Final Book in the McBride Chronicles
How would you react if you received a letter telling you that you had been left a large fortune and a mansion on the other side of the world – but with one condition? You must move there, live in the mansion, and never sell it. That is the predicament for Vicki Blake in England in 1968 when she receives a letter from a lawyer in London telling her of an inheritance she has been left by a woman she has never heard of in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. She travels to Victoria and discovers she is indeed the missing piece in the McBride family mosaic. Although she falls in love with Providence, she also becomes obsessed with the history of the McBride family. Despite many obstacles along her new journey, will she finally have the strength to do what is right to find her true happiness? And will the future of Providence be saved and become part of a new era of truth and reconciliation? Only Tomorrow knows for sure. 📖 Available Now: https://www.valeriegreenauthor.com/
The British Columbia Review interview series
presented and curated by Trevor Marc Hughes
Please visit the BC Review’s new YouTube Interview Channel, presented and curated by Trevor Marc Hughes, historian, biographer, freelance broadcaster, former arts reporter at CBC Radio in Vancouver, and member of the board of the Ormsby Literary Society.
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Valerie Green
A Wordsmith at Work

Valerie is a Canadian author living in Victoria, British Columbia.
Born and educated in England with a background in journalism, history, and English literature, Valerie moved to Canada in 1968, married, and raised a family while continuing an active career as a published author of over 20 nonfiction books. In addition, Valerie freelances for numerous magazines and newspapers.
“I feel devoutly thankful to have been born fond of writing.”
—Winston Churchill
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ABC Books BookWorld
A very capable job
Local author Valerie Green has written this very important little book (Vanished) for all the right reasons: to draw attention to a worthy cause and keep alive the memory of a precious life lost all these years ago . . . . Green does a very capable job of recapturing that awful moment back in March, 1991.
Ian Gordon Malcomson
A born storyteller
Author Valerie Green is a born storyteller; I read this book (Vanished) from start to finish in one sitting. She compassionately relates the story that broke the hearts of both a family and a nation- the abduction of Michael Dunahee. The reader can’t help but share the unwavering belief that Michael will indeed come home
Kate Lines, Retired Chief Superintendent
Victoria’s most prolific author
Valerie Green might be Victoria’s most prolific author and historian and has no plans of slowing down.
Travis Patterson
Lives and breathes culture and history
Valerie Green lives and breathes culture and history.