Our Freedom!

This is the time of year when we honor all those who have served to protect our freedom. My father served in World War II; My Uncle was at Dunkirk; another uncle lost his life at age 19; a family friend was an Air Force pilot. Other members of my extended family have also served. All these brave men and women were fighting for peace. Peace from terror— not only for us but also for future generations.

However, over these last few days many of us have also been thinking about what has happened south of the border. Most of us who believe in honesty, integrity and morality were shocked to the core.

Social media has been rife with theories, but how do any of us know the truth when AI and fake news is everywhere? What we do know, however, is what we have seen and heard. We know Donald Trump and what he has told America. We know what he has done because he was President before. Over half of the population in America have ignored his character and instead have voted for what they believe are his “promises” for a “better economy.” They seemed to have forgotten what he said he would do!

They all heard it— “protecting women whether they wanted it or not”; “closing the border”; “sending immigrants back to the countries they came from.” Does he not realize that most of America is made up of immigrants (first, second or third generation) including his own wife?

I usually prefer not to discuss politics, but what really disgusts me by the result of this election goes far deeper. Growing up in post-war Britain, I heard stories about how close we came to being under Hitler’s rule. A dictator who wanted to rule the world. And now we have another dictator on the world scene who threatens the world with his rambling rhetoric and dangerous cohorts. And we, up here in Canada, are not far away.

Sadly, I guess America was not ready for a woman president with common sense. A woman who was not afraid to take on the fight for our freedom. To allow women to choose what they do with their bodies rather than be ruled by government.

Many of you might not agree with my blog today, but those who do may feel depressed. But we should not give up. Tomorrow is another day.

When life seemed hopeless during World War II, that “great generation” continued to fight. This weekend I will honor those brave men and women and all who continue to fight evil in subsequent wars and dictators who threaten our freedom.